Fisher Island

About Fisher Island

Fisher Island is among the wealthiest neighborhoods in the entire United States. Its exclusivity is largely due to its detachment: there is absolutely no way of getting onto the island through traditional road access. Guests must either take the ferry or helicopter in order to reach the island.

Fisher Island real estate consists mostly of multimillion dollar mansions, huge waterfront villas and incredibly spacious condominiums favored by instantly recognizable names like Oprah Winfrey, Julia Roberts and Ricky Martin. The island has an elementary school as well as a post office and shopping centers, often removing the need to leave the island itself.

Resorts, tennis courts, restaurants and yes, even beaches are on Fisher Island and since there is no road stretching out from the island, residents enjoy probably the most private setting in all of South Florida.

Fisher Island real estate

About the Area
Community Info
  • Area:
    Fisher Island
  • Price Range:
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  • Status:
By the Numbers - Price Averages
  • Average Listing Price
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